Improving Education and Healthcare in Guatemala

Our projects and programs have reached thousands of people in Guatemala. See our projects in action.



Guatemala is a developing country with beauty all around – active volcanoes, diverse ecosystems, world famous handicraft markets, a rich Mayan and Spanish Colonial history and amazing mountainous scenery combine to form The Land of Eternal Spring.

Its people, equally beautiful in heritage and indigenous Mayan traditions, face challenges in everyday life that most in the developed world take for granted. Chronic malnutrition, illiteracy, sparse economic opportunities, social isolation, poor access to clean water and systemic income and wealth inequality are lasting outcomes of the country’s 36-year civil war. The statistics are startling, such as 59% of the population living below the national poverty line and 23% living in extreme poverty, with 13.4% of families relying on child labor for survival.

In spite of all this, the true beauty of Guatemala lies in its people’s perseverance, values and hope for a better tomorrow. When resources are made available, community members rally together to improve their living, health and educational conditions.


Guatemala Service Projects, Inc. exists to bring these scarce resources to communities eager for improved outcomes for current and future generations. Our board members and trusted intermediaries in Guatemala communicate directly with the village committees, educators, and organizations who specify the priority of their needs and identify the resources we can provide. School facilities improvements, vitamin programs, libraries, education sponsorships and community gardens are just a few examples of programs we have underway.

Our board members periodically travel to Guatemala with travel teams to have first-hand involvement in the projects we support by delivering supplies, collaborating with educators, installing equipment and distributing donated goods. Witnessing the resolve, industriousness and appreciation of our beneficiaries provides the impetus for us to keep offering these opportunities.


We appreciate your visit to our site to explore all the ways that Guatemala Service Projects, Inc. creates new possibilities for disadvantaged and indigenous communities in Guatemala. Your support is the backbone of our organization and we look forward to your assistance with our initiatives.

To make a donation to our General Fund or for a project not specified elsewhere on our site, please use this “Give Now” button.  You will have the opportunity to leave a note as to how we should direct the funds.  Thank you!

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