schools get a lot done when kids are off on vacation

In Guatemala, the public school calendar goes from January to October. The months of November and December are vacation for the children, but school staff and administrators often use this time for school improvement projects!
I’m very happy to share the progress being made at two of the schools we support!
Escuela Oficial Rural Mixta Canton Rio Camanibal (K-6)
Providing a library and computer lab to this elementary school in Canton Rio Camanibal (near Chichicastenango) was our first project as a nonprofit. They are like our “firstborn” and we’re so excited to see them grow! Over the recent several weeks, we have funded two projects: the construction of a 2nd level above their library and a multi-sport court for basketball and papi fut (or papi futbol) — which is a Central American sport that resembles soccer except that goals must be scored within the goal area and the ball is out of bounds when above head-level.
Both of these projects are underway but are due to be completed before school starts in January!
The 2nd level to the library building was requested so that the could have administrative office space and to have better internet signals that an increased elevation provides for reporting grades electronically to the Ministry of Education.
The sports court allows the kids to have a place to play organized team sports and the duality of the playing surface allows them to play multiple sports in the same space. Look at the awesome dual-purpose backboard and goal!
Colegio Evangelico Alfa y Omega (K-8)
This school will receive a library (our 3rd library donation) and playground equipment. The library furniture has been built and the room at the school that will house the library is currently being remodeled. It is nearly ready and will soon have a carpeted floor, library furniture, and books! Some of the books we took with us this past August, but the majority will arrive when we travel in March.
Here are some photos of the library room being remodeled:
When the room is ready, they will lay the carpet and bring in the furniture! Carpet is such a luxury in Guatemala, as most floors are dirt or concrete!
As for the playground equipment, it was fascinating to see how a shipment of steel was assembled on site. I never would have imagined what the final outcome would be, but the project is far enough along that it is now easy to tell. Just a few more additions and some additional painting, and it will be ready for the kids to use when they come back to school next month!