Provide a Scholarship, Practically Guarantee a Future

There are many kids in Guatemala that, given a fighting chance, could attend school and with the education acquired break the cycle of poverty. You can sponsor a student in Guatemala!

Students just need a chance! But, with a low standard of living comes few opportunities to break free. Parents cannot afford the fees and materials required for school attendance. Children often have to work to contribute to the family income. The family stagnates.
Within the municipality of Chichicastenango, supporters of Guatemala Service Projects currently sponsor 14 students:
$25 per month – Primaria (K-6) – 9 students
$50 per month – Básico (7th-9th) – 4 students
$80 per month – Diversificado (10th-12th) – none currently
$210 per month – Universidad (Univerity) – 1 student
Accessing the Needs
The students are chosen based both on their academic merit and their financial need. The person responsible for the hand-selection of these students is our project manager, Diego Xirúm. Diego believes that if you teach a person to fish you will feed him for a lifetime. Wise words! If you would like to sponsor a student and provide a future, please reach out. We are updating our profile of deserving students!
Celebrating Student Achievement
During our visit to Guatemala, we had the opportunity to celebrate the end of a school year for the students in our program. In Guatemala, the school year runs from January through October. This year, because of the interruption caused by the pandemic, the school year was extended to accommodate.

For the youngest students, we had Board member Mike Margolies perform as his alter ego, Farfel the clown! All the kids loved his juggling, magic tricks, funny persona and balloon animals. All, except one toddler that attended with big sister and mommy, that is. She was a little afraid, I think.
We did not “entertain” the older students, but took the time to mentor them and show how much we care…
Providing Encouraging Words
The small group of older students in attendance gathered in the meeting space reserved for us. We sat with our chairs forming a circle and Diego spoke to them as a friend and male figurehead. While most of the students represented in our program have fathers or father figures present in their lives, sometimes certain messages are received better if they come from someone that is not your parent. ((wink))
As the leader and organizer of the scholarship program, Diego shared a passionate plea for them to remain focused on their studies and not be led astray by external forces. He urged them to keep faith in their abilities and to study hard with the knowledge that there are others out there helping them to rise to their potential. Realizing that there is an opportunity, and then doing everything in your power to take advantage of that opportunity — this is the strength and resiliency of the Guatemalan people.
After our meeting, parents and students alike approached Diego and thanked him for speaking frankly. They also approached us, some with tears in their eyes, to thank us for providing them with those opportunities.
We extend those sentiments with our donors…

You can sponsor a student in Guatemala!