CAP Chupol, Rural Health Center

March 31 2021
In Guatemala, there are two types of public health departments. In the more populated areas, you will have a Health Center (Centro de Salud) and in the rural areas you will visit the CAP (Centro de Atención Permanente) for medical care.
CAP Chupol
The rural health center in Chupol, Guatemala serves roughly 70,000 people in the communities far removed from the next closest population center: Chichicastenango.
In cases requiring immediate attention, people visit the CAP in person, and if necessary, are transported to the closest hospital. However, many procedures and treatments can be done on-site, including labor and delivery.
Doctors and nurses from CAP Chupol also visit the supported communities on a rotating basis for scheduled homecare visits.
Needs and shortcomings
Unfortunately, despite being a public health department, there is not a lot of public assistance. Many health departments, and CAP Chupol in particular, are overcrowded. They lack sufficient space to tend to the increasing number of people requiring care. The pandemic has increased the need and stretched the limits that were already being tested.
First aid and medical supplies are also needed, as is medical equipment. Because the staff makes routine visits outside the office, the equipment and supplies go with them. They have to maintain enough for use at the health department and “in the field”.
What we’ve done so far…
Since the start of the pandemic, Guatemala Service Projects has donated personal protective gear, sanitizing gel, disinfectant, face masks and shields.
During our last trip to Guatemala, we transported some medical supply donations from the States as well as feminine hygiene kits and vitamins for distribution to families in need.
Our next project? Expansion!
The staff at CAP Chupol asked us to consider helping to fund the expansion of their facilities to better accommodate the number of patients. They would like to add two emergency rooms, a waiting room and a pharmacy bodega. All four rooms would be added on to existing space, increasing the perimeter of the building. The total for all four rooms is roughly $20k USD.
Please consider a donation toward our efforts!