2018 – Community Library, Well Child Checkups, Stoves and Water Filters!

$0 of $14,279 raised

We have found ourselves in the most enviable of positions — we have surpassed our fundraising goal for implementation of 2018 projects!

We fully funded the Well Child Clinic that took place in January 2018 and have met the fundraising goal for all projects that will be deployed this coming August!

Every year, we come up with a budget for purpose-driven projects that are manageable, both from the standpoint of our anticipated ability to raise the needed funds and our physical capacity to perform the work.  Then, we plan a trip over a span of however many days we feel we will need to implement the projects we’ve planned.

In a situation where we’ve fallen short of fundraising goals, we either decrease our output (perhaps only donate 5 stoves instead of 10) or we add personal funds to fill the gap.

But!  If we raise more funds than we planned, we have the wonderful opportunity to “go above and beyond” and give more than we promised.  Here’s what we’ve funded so far in 2018:

  • Well child clinic to provide medical screenings, doctor visits and follow-up treatments to ALL preschool students in San Jorge la Laguna, Guatemala
  • Nuevo Reto Community Library, Community Meal Program and Student Sponsorship
  • Water Filter and Stoves Delivery and Installation
  • Multi-lingual Book Project:  4 languages!

Quite an impressive list!  Are we still raising more funds?  Absolutely!  There is a long list of needs in Guatemala.  We know we could never satisfy all of them.  But, when we have the capacity and desire to do more, and the funds are available, we maximize our time down there and do as much as we can!  In fact, we’ve just added a last minute project for August 2018 — a shoe drive!

Please continue to give!

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Donation Total: $121.00